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Quantum 288 – The Promise or the End of America?

In this weeks Quantum  we look at the most chilling political campaign in recent decades; Chinese censorship and Dr K in the UK; No human rights says Harari; Jo Pheonix wins Trans discrimination case; the ignorance of anti-Semitism; Bach’s Coffee Cantata;  Port Talbot – a casualty of Net Zero; UK Net Zero based on one years data! ‘Drill Baby Drill”; Norman Jewison ‘Fiddler on the Roof”; Russell Brand; IHOPKC, Mick Bickle, John Paul Jones and eating grass in St Andrews; SEEK 21 – the Book of Job; I know that my Redeemer Liveth…with music from the Beatles, Aerosmith,  Topal, Pink Floyd, Bach and Handal

Catch up on last week –  Quantum 287 – What Really Matters – including Denmark, Dawkins, Coffee and TB Joshua

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Get all the music on the Spotify Playlist for January here 

Listen on Apple Itunes here 


  1. Why so little about abortion in the Western Church? Cowardice! Odd the obsession with gay sex among so many evangelicals, yet heterosexual sex lies behind over one human life per second being lost to abortion globally. IVF or potential embryo destruction never raises an eyebrow, but a same sex couple kissing is of interest? An interesting programme, as always, thanks! Hope your C-19 departs ASAP.

  2. Always a good listen David. As an American, I struggle with Trump too believe me. But if I had to choose between him or the democratic party platform I’d choose him every time. I wish someone else was going to be the nominee though.

    I’d also like to add one thing on the abortion issue, that I believe is actually to America’s credit. The only reason the democrats are staging this election as “all about abortion” (or as they call it “reproductive rights”) is because the conservatives states in this country have actually tried to roll back the infanticidal laws with “heart beat bills.” Unlike other western nations, we’re actually trying to do something. Whereas in many other countries, “conservatives” won’t even try to change the abortion laws; that’s why its not talked about so much in other places. So, while I agree that it’s wretched to hear all this talk, it only tells me that we’re actually doing something right. I just hope and pray we’re able to see it through…

  3. Kamala believes in Communism , but she has not read enough history to know that may be a future Jacobin.

    She may escape the Mob’s retribution because of skin tone and being married to a Leftie – sympathising Jew .

  4. In fairness to Kamala Harris, I’m not sure she really believes or even understands what she’s saying. I think she’s an incredibly stupid woman promoted light years beyond her competence, who just repeats whatever she’s told to say.

    Basically her job is to be so incredibly useless that nobody dares try to assassinate Sleepy Joe, knowing that she’d be even worse as President.

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