Politics Scotland

A Positive Case for Real Scottish Independence and a New Political Party

A Positive Case for Real Scottish Independence and a New Political Party

 The United Kingdom has been one of the most effective and successful political unions of all time.  It began in less than auspicious circumstances (as Burns so memorably put it – ‘we were bought and sold for English gold, such a parcel of rogues in a nation’, but quickly developed into something that many of us can look back on with pride.  Yes, of course there were things that were seriously wrong – but on balance the union of the kingdoms of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland has been a net benefit for its own people and for the wider world.

But all things must pass.  Sometimes empires and unions pass their sell by date.  I believe that we have reached that point with the United Kingdom.  There are many reasons I could mention – for and against – but the simple case for me is that I believe it is better that small nations govern themselves.   When they are run by a larger nation in an unequal partnership, and dominated by a capitol city which tends to such everything to the centre, then the smaller is always at a disadvantage.  This is even more so in a globalised economy where power blocs and empires (at least commercial) are back in vogue.  To put it bluntly I don’t believe that Scotland should be governed from London.

In addition to this some of the original reasons for the formation of the Union have now gone – the Empire has gone, and Christianity (especially Protestantism), the foundation of the Union, has also largely gone.  It’s true that the other main reason, commerce, is still there, but in an increasingly globalised world, belonging just to one, relatively minor trading bloc, is not the advantage it once was.  Now Britannia no longer rules the waves, or has privileged trading terms with a third of the world, the commercial reason for the Union is weakened.  Of course, if Scotland were to become independent, there will be a financial and economic cost – but what price freedom?  Should we not be able to make our own laws, set our own taxes and govern ourselves?  And our own international relations?  There is no reason why Scotland, as an independent self-governing country, should not have the closest of relationships with our nearest and dearest neighbours – England.

Although I believe this and voted Yes in the 2014 Independence referendum, I find myself faced with a difficult dilemma.  I believe in Independence, but I cannot vote for the party that seems poised to deliver it.  Furthermore I would now vote No in a referendum which promised to deliver the kind of ‘Indy’ that the SNP proposes.   Why?   Because it’s not independence.   The SNP proposes to take us out of one political and economic union and place us into a larger and more anti-democratic one.   In what world can that be independence?   The current SNP are such a fanatical EU Unionist party that they are even prepared to sacrifice their original constituency – the fishing communities, to the EU gods.  Of course, they make all the right noises to these communities against the CFP, but the reality is that they are committed to joining that CFP – because you can’t be a member of the EU without it.  It’s this kind of inconsistency and dishonesty which gives politics a bad name!

Moreover I have come to the counter intuitive view that the SNP leadership does not really want real independence.   As it is they get the best of both worlds – the power without the responsibility.  When things go well it is of course because of the brilliance of the Scottish government – when things go badly it’s all Westminster’s fault.  They haven’t even used the extra tax raising powers that they have.

Things are even worse than that.  Apart from threatening to take Scotland into the EU, the Scottish government have also moved in an anti-liberal authoritarian direction.   Scotland is not (yet) a one-party State – but the Scottish government have no qualms about pressurising the media, academia, the arts and business to fall into line with their policies.  I will never forget the ominous words of Ian Blackford, their Westminster leader; if you accept Scotland’s ‘values’ then you are welcome – if you don’t – then…..?  By Scotland’s values Mr Blackford of course means the SNPs.  Whilst the SNP have done much good, in later years they seem to have lost the plot. Look at the disaster that is Scottish education, the threat to the NHS ( and a refusal to reform it), the Woke ‘progressive agenda, the Hate Crime bill, the promotion of transgender ideology and above all, the failure to help Scotland’s poor (the SNP is supremely a party of and for the Middle class – especially those who benefit from Middle class subsidies).  Add to this the stench of staleness and corruption – that comes from being in power (without responsibility) for too long, and you can see why I feel politically homeless.   If Burns were alive today I suspect he would be saying “We were bought and sold for EU gold, such a parcel of rogues in a nation.”

If only there was a party that wanted real independence and didn’t buy into the socially regressive (they call it progressive but in reality, it is leading us back into pre-Christian Greco/Roman/Pagan times).  Well now there is! A new party called Restore Scotland is launching today.

Here are a couple of quotes from their press release –

“On Wednesday 17 March 2021, approximately 50 days before the people of Scotland will go to the polls to elect the next Scottish Government, Restore Scotland officially launch as Scotland’s newest political party. Founded in 2020 and registered in 2021, the party stands for Scottish independence from the United Kingdom and European Union”.

“While we affirm the right of our people to individual autonomy and self- government, we also represent the mainstream on many domestic issues which is broadly in line with the common-sense instincts of ordinary Scots. Our commitment to, for example, individual liberty stands against the authoritarianism of legislation like the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act and our commitment to public health will counter policies that have failed vulnerable drug users across Scotland.” (David McHutchon – interim leader).

Libertarian, social democratic, independence, socially conservative – what’s not to like?!

It is of course unrealistic to expect that a brand-new party will immediately form the next Scottish government.  But I hope that they will get enough votes to make their presence felt and to provide an alternative to the monolithic, authoritarian Scottish government, the regressive Greens, the illiberal Liberals, a Labour party which does not seem to know what it stands for, and the ineffective Tories.

Let me add two caveats to this.

Firstly, I know some of the people involved in this new party and have encouraged them.    I would suggest you get to know them as well.  Why not get involved?  Become a member, volunteer, finance.  In fact, why not offer to stand as a candidate?  They are looking for sane, ordinary people who just want to serve!  Have a look at their website for details.

Secondly in anticipation of the usual anti-Christian and pietist objections – let me state that these are my personal political views.  They are not the views of the Church or the Bible (which does not tell us who to vote for!).  There are Christians who will vote for, and serve in, other political parties.  I thank God for them and wish them well.  But from my perspective this new party offers a small glimmer of hope in an increasingly hopeless political world.   You may disagree but don’t play the anti-religious card if you do.  Deal with the arguments. Perhaps I should also make this plea – I hope that any discussion on this will be respectful and avoid the hyperbole and name calling that  is so prevalent in politics today (especially online).    As a Scottish citizen I surely have the same democratic right as everyone else to make the case for how I would like to be governed. And you have the right to disagree!

“I believe in a Scotland that is sovereign, just and free!”

http://Scottish Independence



  1. Hi David, always look forward to seeing your posts, but noticed your mention of a new political party, standing up for traditional values. Can I add that there has been one and I know you already know that from previous posts. Can I add that they have been doing just that. Standing up for freedom of speech, traditional family values, religious freedom, education and more. They have been fighting this battle for the last few years. Regarding Christians in the Scottish Parliament, where are their voices when it comes to recent policies? Look forward to seeing you next post. God bless you.


  2. Hello David, slight correction 2014 was the year of the referendum, unless you have some prophetic future insight you are revelling to us about 2104. :).

    “An unequal partnership” has been an argument used by many for Scottish independence. I’m not convinced that equality of outcome is achievable or even desirable. Equality of opportunity yes and holding it to be self evident that all are born equal and with dignity and should relate to each other accordingly, being created in the image of God, yes absolutely.

    But inequality of outcome is not evidence of oppression. It is possible to engage with Marxist and deconstructionist approaches, call it equality and being progressive and claim whatever issue comes up is “yet another reason for independence” with wordplay and clever sophistic debate. Such rhetoric does appeal to the emotions and emotions are powerful.

    However the truth is that where there is equality of opportunity, there will be inequality of outcome. So do we want freedom or do we want equality of outcome?

    I would go for freedom – every time. Whether that is better met with Scotland becoming an independent country or remaining within the union is clearly debatable. So I hear what you say about the view you express being your personal views.

    Thankfully in Christ there is no man no woman, no Jew no Gentile, no slave no free and implicitly no nationalist and no unionist. So we can all still be friends :).

  3. Good morning David from the grey clad skies of Ulster and happy St Patricks day.
    I read your latest piece with mixed feelings. I can’t help but muse over why you would want to protest democracy. Did not the people speak in the 2014 referendum and they chose to remain in the union?

    It would seem you are becoming as anti democratic as the shinners (Sinn Fein) here in Ulster. They don’t get the result they want and they keep chipping away until they do.

    The Bible might not tell us who to vote for but it does tell us to obey the ruling authorities because there is no authority unless given by God.
    My passion until a few years ago when the Republic voted in favour of SSM and abortion was to unite with the Republic. But since they have gone down that unGodly path I’m happy to remain in the union, so I do have some empathy with you.

    There is mounting pressure here for a referendum on the border so we might well be heading in that direction. Also unfortunately we had both of those forced on us recently from London. UnGodly interference and meddling in our internal affairs. So yes I do understand where you are coming from.
    It’s difficult sometimes to divorce our passions for patriotism from what God says in scripture that we should do. I.E. Obey the governing authorities and pray for them.

    We will see here in Northern Ireland what the future brings. I do try to divorce my patriotism from Gods will for my country. It’s not easy. But whatever happens I will not protest democracy.

    On a lighter note. Yesterday was wall to wall blue skies and sunshine here in Ulster. I glance across the Irish sea from North County Down I clearly see Scotland standing out beyond the sparkling waves. Are you jealous lol? 🙂

    Take care. See you on the other side.

  4. This really saddens me David. I live in Cumbria, adjoining the Scottish border, and I have family in Scotland. Even in Cumbria there are calls for independence from London, simply due to our remoteness from the capital. But why? In any and every country there will exist remote areas where some of the population feel ignored or separate, but the United Kingdom is a relatively small island with good communication links. Scotland and England are connected by both land and language, so to me it’s pure madness that Scotland should seek independence. You would be a huge loss to the UK and you would soon discover the many disadvantages of trying to ‘go it alone’. The first one would possibly be a hard border which would prevent Scots travelling south without ID and passports. I wonder if that has occurred to most of those nurturing the independence culture.

    Another reason why I find your sentiment troubling is the fact that you assume things will never ever get better under the rule of London. Govermnents come and go, politicians come and go and some will be more sympathetic to the plights of Scots than others, yet Scotland will continue to be attached to England regardless of the feelings of the people. Calls for independence inevitably nurture bad feeling between governments and citizens, they encourage bad competitiveness and even, perhaps eventually, hostility. And it wouldn’t be the first time, as history testifies.

    Unfortunately the process may already have gone too far, I believe, with Devolution, and that has already proved to be a mistake, as you’ve rightly observed. But how disastrous a mistake it is remains to be seen.

    Please, David, just don’t encourage your fellow Scots to jump out of the frying pan into the fire.

  5. David,
    A very compelling and as always a well-written article, drawing out the authoritarian (leading to marxist) of the current SNP regime, whom have stepped way over the boundaries and in which most Scots do not see, perhaps 80% if we agree with Pareto Law or analysis (80:20 rule)…

    Great that a new independence party has been launched in Scotland, and this will hopefully expose the abusive authoritarian power of the current leadership and regime, and gain many votes and a decently large following in the country.

    However does the country, UK and Scotland now not need a new party of common sense (opposite to political correctness) that will be good for the vast majority of people….something like a ‘Pragmatic Party’..?

    I have done the sums on the back of an envelope, and currently Scotland needs London for economic and financial reasons. The ‘Headline’ number of c. £1800 per person subsidy by way of the Barnett formula, or whatever it is called now, is actually akin to something like £5000 per person, once everything is taken into account. If Scotland were to become independent, it should have happened back in the 1970’s when oil from the Forties field started flowing, being the first big oilfield to bring in much needed revenue at that time…Now most of the oil is gone, and more than half of the NS fields cost $70 a barrel to extract, thereby not being economic.

    In the event that ‘Schiehallion’, the Munro mountain at the geographical centre of mainland Scotland were made of gold mostly, or that a massive oil & gas find were made onshore, something akin to Qatar, then Scotland would become totally bust within 12-18 months of independence, becoming a Banana Republic just before that. Remember that the greatest export is not whisky (at c.£4.3bn), [incidentally have a nice bottle of ‘Glenmorangie, seven men’, put aside for you when you next visit Scotland..!] however is people, is brains as most of the smart, clever and educated people have left for much better opportunity than this little damp regressive country has to offer. My daughter and her friends, 80% have left Scotland, with the remaining 20% working in the public sector, like the NHS etc, as Scotland for professional and educated folks is pretty much a public sector economy, and how is this sector funded..?

    Then a bankrupt and bust Scotland would have to go cap in hand to London, and the IMF, for huge bailouts, just to barely get by and survive an independent Scotland- that is the sad truth..!

  6. The SNP leadership will be rejoicing at your volte-face. All you will do with your new Party notion is ensure that the SNP is returned to power again and the spectre of a single-party State with its WOKE agenda looms even larger. You have even adopted their war-cry of ‘FREEDOM’! Are you aware that only the UK Supreme Court prevented a representative of the Scottish State supervising every family in the land? Do you believe that the furlough scheme that has saved the livelihood of millions would have been possible in an Independent Scotland divorced from the borrowing power of the 5th largest economy in the world? Have you been listening to the news of the deception, the lies, the with-holding of important documents, and all the betrayal of democracy, at the highest level, involved in the Salmond-Sturgeon farce? Meanwhile, day and daily on our radios, Sturgeon exploits the CIv-ed 19 pandemic to portray herself as the Saviour of the nation ‘steering us through the crisis’. And you echo their rallying cry of ‘Saorsa’! Aye right! Get a grip, David! Of course there needs to be sensible local control over the different parts of the UK. But to throw out the Union baby with the centralised bathwater would be an act of Nationalist folly. The UK has its faults but better London control than that of Holyrood. Regards, Wattie Livingstone, Fisherrow, Scotland Loading…

  7. Like you David I voted YES for independence in 2014. I also voted FOR Brexit as I have always regarded the EU (formerly of course the EEC – Common Market) with acute suspicion as, in my view, they are completely anti democratic and anti Christian (The Strange Death of Europe – Douglas Murray)
    I confess I am in almost total despair at the machinations of our current SNP “government”. You’ve probably had a listen to David Davis last night in Westminster – Terrifying.
    I certainly will NOT vote for either SNP or YES for any future referendum – which I’m confident won’t happen since Sturgeon and her gang probably don’t really want one. They are happy with the status quo – power without responsibility. They can hypocritically continue to rubbish Westminster while simultaneously asking for more and more money.
    The last straw was the appalling and dangerous Hate Crime Bill.
    My late mother was perhaps right – she never voted – always declaring “The powers that be are ordained of God”.
    Keep up the good work.

  8. Gordon above has explained the economic conundrum of independence well. So, let me ask what we can learn from Brexit.
    1. A referendum is a sure way to create social division. The present Government supports Brexit; but recall the chaos of the last Parliament when the majority of MPs didn’t – how would a majority SNP Government respond to a vote they lost?
    2. Undoing 46 years of close trading and legal relationships with the EU is proving extremely complex; imagine the problems undoing 300 years of such relationships as we have in the Union.
    3. I believe it was Douglas Murray who suggested a pragmatic approach to an independence referendum: have the two Governments engage in creating a broad trade and financial deal outline before a referendum. Then people will know exactly what they are voting for and its full implications. Then there should be no long term blaming outside Governments if things don’t work out as well as hoped.

  9. Blue skies over Ulster today as I look out towards Slemish Mountain where the youthful Patrick is said to have served his time.
    I don’t have very strong views about Scottish independence though I have strongly negative views about the SNP! I believe that Scotland is a distinct nation (otherwise why would there be a Scottish football team?) but it’s a nation that chose to join in a political/legislative union with England/Wales in 1707. That if you like was an act of national self-determination. The two preceding centuries may have been pretty dramatic and may have provided great raw material for the historical novelists but probably weren’t much fun to live through. Much better to look back on them from a safe vantage point. Scotland is a great nation which for its size has produced more remarkable men and women than almost any other, but the Scots are just not much good at self-government which is amply demonstrated by the conduct of the fanatical fratricidal SNP. Also I fear that the ruling class would govern in the interests of the Central Belt to the detriment of the rest of the country and so further fissures and grievances would open up. As you say David, the idea of independence within the EU is a bit of a logical conundrum. The model for Nationalists should be the Irish Freedom Party which argues that the EU has been a false friend to Ireland.
    But at the heels of it all is the simple question, what is independence about? Is it an ethnic thing? Apparently not. A cultural thing? Only to some extent as an independent Scotland is to be a welcoming house for all cultural manifestations (apart from English ones possibly…) is it a religious thing? Perish the thought, apart perhaps from the religion of the Zeitgeist.

  10. Scotland is far too small – for the number of Scots who have abandoned to find a more career- expansive life outside that land.

    And it could be seen as the Piety of Politics for someone who has jettisoned their country of birth, Berwick, England?

  11. We do not need another party in Scotland. We voted ‘No’ to independence. How many referendums do the snp intend to have? There is another new party in Scotland, who do not want independence, i.e. All4Unity, led by Grorge Galloway. Much although I detest his other political views, he appears to be gaining a lot of support with anti snp supporters. Most of us are getting tired of the snp failings – as stated in previous posts, poor educational stadards, highest drug problem in Europe, and the list goes on and on. The furlough monies came from the Westminster pot, not from Edinburgh. We most certainly are Better Together, and if listening to David Davis’ shockingly revealing speech over the last few days does not make you squirm, it sure terrified me.

  12. I cannot agree with you that Britain has been a benefit for the rest of the world. The more I travel, live in different countries and delve into history the more I see the bullying, racism and theft that our island is built on.

    When I lived in Australia all I heard was politicians say that immigrants had to accept Australia’s ‘values’ or don’t come, so Blackford’s comments are not unusual in any party.
    That said, as a former SNP member I am gutted at the rightward slide and state of the party, the treatment of Salmond, and the pretence of wanting independence.
    I agree that small countries who are in control of their economy, borders and resources are in a far better place to look after their people but unfortunately our current government are enjoying Westminster too much. I think it is rubbing off.

      1. You are not paying close enough attention. For a start at least, read the growth commission.

  13. As an English taxpayer, I would be delighted if Scotland were to go independent. There is no danger of them joining the EU, the EU wouldn’t have them, even to spite the English. I don’t expect Scots to grovel to receive their huge subsidy, but to deny it exists …. Unfortunately, when large sums are doled out directly and indirectly to a people they either lose their pride or they react aggressively. The danger of a Labour government in England and Wales alone is remote indeed, which would be very welcome. We would have by my calculation about £25 billion annually more in the government’s pocket, if we could remove, I am sorry to use the word, this parasite on our backs.

  14. I have no axe to grind in your debate; I have no English or Scottish blood in me.

    But my eyes were alerted to ‘parcel of rogues in a nation …’ and I couldn’t help looking for a video of Steeleye Span’s version of the song. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find a video of them singing it, so you’ll have to make do with the image of the album cover. But, in my opinion, the song more than makes up for the lack of the proper video. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.


    As an aside, David, why do most, if not all, of your notification emails have the tag of St Helen’s Bishopsgate attached to them? Feel free to edit out the aside.

  15. I’m afraid I don’t agree with you on independence David – the union has been allowed to deteriorate and I don’t see that we could support the bloated bureaucracy which would necessarily follow. I’m with Cumbrian daydreamer – have family both sides of the border and we don’t need any more walls going up or border controls, etc., we have a shared history with our fellows in all corners of the British Isles – the depleted infrastructure in Scotland could easily be repaired by us as part of the UK, much less certain we would do it if we separated as we’d become more inward than ever. Celts are best when mixed with non-celts, it brings out the best in both. What I would like to see is a revived nation in terms of it’s faith in Christ. Politicians are politicians – I don’t see them improving until we have got far worse than we are. People are still sleeping. That article you put up regarding the man in Canada with his daughter is probably the very thing we need to see to start making folk think about putting pen to paper – vile as it is.

  16. I would argue that Scotland already has, to a great extent, the best of both worlds. A devolved government already gives the Scottish people control over health, education, taxation, law, justice, etc etc. Westminster may feel remote but the your Scottish government already has the powers to make the changes that will make the biggest difference to the lives of Scottish people. Independence will give you control over Foreign policy, immigration, defence, etc. But at what value? Like Ireland you will still be dependant on the UK for aspects of defence. You also have the Benefit of the Barnett formula providing billions in additional funding. Scotland has national representation in key sports – rugby and football, nothing to gain there. Scotland and the UK are deeply integrated, economically and socially. A shared langurs and currency. Scotland leaving the UK would be significantly more complex than the UK leaving the EU. I understand the appeal of ‘complete freedom and independence’, but I don’t see practically how it can be achieved in a way that does not hurt Scotland far more than the rest of the UK.

  17. Very few Scots nowadays seem sane enough to realise that, through Cultural Marxism based legislation , they have repudiated the Scottish Enlightenment conception of Government with the legal principle of ” dictatorship of the proletariat”.

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