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2015 in review

I am fascinated by statistics so I found this report quite interesting ( although of course most normal people will find it incredibly dull!  There were 310,000 visits to this blog from 173 countries. This compares with 180,000 visits from 161 countries – In 2014 the three top countries were the UK, the US and Canada…in 2015 the UK, the US and Australia….Thanks for all the constructive criticisms and may the Lord richly bless each and every one of us in 2016.

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 310,000 times in 2015. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 13 days for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.


  1. Thank you David for being so often the Watchman over so many issues which have concerned the Church of Jesus Christ this past year. Power to your pen , and God’s blessing on your ministry , not forgetting safe keeping and health to your family for 2016.

    A strong contender and one to watch for in the coming year , or possibly two , will be the proposal for the introduction of prelacy within the Church of Scotland. Prelacy’s introduction in the church was an acceptable “way forward” in the eyes of one minister whom I assisted in the seventies. In the light of recent developments nothing will surprise . My prayer is however , that our national body would awake to its error , and that God would revive a people for whom He gave His only begotten Son.

  2. Hello David,

    This is not meant to belittle your delight and encouragement from the stats. but I enjoy more the qualitative information that underpins quantitative data.

    If you like soccer you’ll hyperventilate over punditry analysis that’s moved on from a game of two halves to a one of n passes, x crosses, not the simple pleasure of the skilful movement of a bag of wind between 22 players.

    While Numbers matter to God, not all of them are quantifiable and He wasn’t impressed by King David’s counting, about what or who David counted on.

    I am pleased about the platform this site gives to the outspoken apologetics you bring as a leader of the church, something which seems to be largely and loudly absent in the public square in the UK, other than through quasi-church organisation which may not carry as much weight.

    If I’d known the posts were being counted, I may not have started!


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