Australia Ethics Media Politics

Politics – Is This Why We’re All Disillusioned – Scott Morrison – EN

This is my news item in Evangelicals Now this month.  I have just been reading about the Lehrmann judgement.  At the time Brittany Higgins, egged on by several in the media – alleged that there was an attempted cover up by the Liberal government and especially Scott Morrison.  This was severely damaging to Morrison during the election campaign – which he eventually lost.  Amongst others the now foreign minister Penny Wong attacked the ‘cover up’.  Except there was no such thing.  Justice Michael Lee not only found that Bruce Lehrmann was guilty – but that allegations of a cover up were fraudulent.  Lisa Wilkinson and the Project used Higgins case to bring a damaging and potentially electorally fatal campaign.  After Labor won the election, the new government authorised a payment of $2.445 million ‘compensation’ for Brittany Higgins – although at the time Lehrmann had not been found guilty of any offence.  The whole thing has been sordid with few, if any of the participants coming out well.  But it really stinks that journalists and politicians would use the rape of a woman for their own political ends.  Scott Morrison is better off out of this cess pitt….   (for more details read Paul Kelly’s superb article in the Weekend Australian – here 


Scott Morrison, former Prime Minister of Australia, retired from politics in February.

David Robertson, Australia,
Figure Image
Scott Morrison with wife Jenny and daughters, Abbey and Lily | photo: Scott Morrison on Facebook

That in and of itself would not seem significant to much of the Australian press and political commentariat, never mind the UK. But it was a significant event for the culture and for the church. Morrison’s final speech to parliament was a revealing insight to the problems facing Western politics – and especially a Christian who gets involved.

He warned of the dangers of rising global authoritarianism in China, Russia, North Korea and Iran. He spoke often of his family and his faith and said that it was because of the latter that he left without any bitterness.

‘I leave this place appreciative and thankful, unburdened by offences, and released from any bitterness that can so often haunt post-political lives. This is due to my faith in Jesus Christ, which gives me the faith to both forgive but also to be honest about my own failings and shortcomings.’

His speech was received warmly, with the current Labour Prime Minister applauding him for a ‘generous and warm’ speech and praising him for his leadership during the Covid crisis. A reminder that not all politics has to be about rivalry and bitterness.

But it was his thoughts on government and faith which were the most revealing. In an era when it appears that everything is politicised, Morrison warned of placing too much trust in government. ‘While a noble calling, politics can only take you so far, and government can only do so much. You can say the same thing about the market. You won’t find all the answers there either,’ he said in the speech.

He added: ‘I suspect that much of our disillusion with politics today, and our institutions, is that we have put too much faith in them. At the end of the day, the state and the market are just run by imperfect people, like all of us. While politics may be an important and necessary place for service, I would also warn against it being a surrogate for finding identity, ultimate meaning and purpose in life. There are far better options than politics.’

Morrison is due to release a major book in May this year – entitled Plans for Your Good: A Prime Minister’s Testimony of God’s Faithfulness. It should be a fascinating read from the West’s only elected Pentecostal political leader!

Is Scott Morrison the Christian Prime Minister? – AP


1 comment

  1. David, Great Synopsis and salient speeches, and unusual honesty, from Australia’s former PM.., which lends / would lend perspective & proportion to any person, politician and world leader / any leader who may read this article, as this being at a much higher level than the ‘more often than not’,., murkier politics..!

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