Education Solas St Peters Videos

Education and the Poor

This is another of the Solas conference videos currently being put up (for free!) on the Solas website.    In this 2013 talk I try to explain why education is so important and why Christian education is the best way to help the poor.   Since then things have only got worse for children from a disadvantaged background in Scotland.   Unless the Church in Scotland gets serious about education we have no right to regard ourselves as the heirs of John Knox whose maxim was where you have a church, there you have a school.


Give me Scotland or I die

The Times, The Secularists and the Challenge of Education for the Churches

Now teaching Christian doctrine at a church school is ‘extremist’. Move over Monty Python.


  1. It pangs my heart to see all the comments about what’s happening in politics, but not a single comment about restoring Christian values to schools for the sake of our children. The reason we are in such peril is because Christian principles can’t be taught is schools without opposition. Scotland, thank God that you can have schools where Christian principles can be taught! Fight and with all of your might to resist those who desire to change your education system as you know it!! I teach in a country where teaching Christian values in school is forbidden unless you are a religious school/church. What’s most perplexing is that the large majority of people in the country in which I live cannot seem to grasp why things are in such upheaval. Many Christian have lost touch with reality as a result of their piety or heresy and the other extreme has lost touch with humanity in their pursuit of fame, fortune and the desire to deny the existence of God. Lord God, let Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus Name. Amen!

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