Letter from Nicola Sturgeon Calling for a National Day of Prayer


Dear Mr Robertson,

I am writing to you and other Scottish church leaders to ask for your help in organising a national day of prayer.

As you are aware Scotland is at a crossroads.  We face many threats and opportunities. And yet we are a nation divided.   Many see, as I do, the way to the future being an independent Scotland within the EU, others want us to stay in the UK outwith the UK, and others have different ideas.   It is a delicate and sensitive time and we all need wisdom.

At a time of even greater crisis for the UK during the dark days of the Second World War, the government saw fit to call six national days of prayer.  Given the severe crisis which we face, one so serious that is has caused me to call for another independence referendum, I believe that now is the time for the Scottish government to call for a national day of prayer.

The purpose of this would be to call upon Almighty God, acknowledging our sins and seeking divine guidance and help for the whole nation.   I realise that there are people of different faiths who will pray in their own way and there will be those of no religious faith, who I simply ask to be tolerant.  After all people praying to a God the atheists do not believe in, can hardly be a threat!   This is not the State compelling people to pray.  It is a simple recognition of the historic Christian foundations of this nation, and that many Christian Scots will unite together to seek God’s blessing on the whole nation.  As the political leader of this nation I simply request that the religious leaders do their part!

I note that you and Archbishop Cushley were recently called ‘Radical Preachers’.    The Rise of Scotland’s Radical Preachers – The Daily Mail  I like radicals and don’t want ‘turbulent priests’ causing trouble, therefore I think this would be a good way of us working together.  The politicians can get on with the politics, and the preachers can pray for us.  I am simply requesting your prayers.

I therefore intend to issue the following proclamation and invite you and other church leaders to co-ordinate and organise this day of prayer.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, NICOLA STURGEON, First Minister of Scotland, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of Scotland, do hereby proclaim Thursday 30th, 2017, St Andrews Day, as a National Day of Prayer. I invite the citizens of our Nation to give thanks for our many freedoms and blessings, and to ask for God’s continued guidance, mercy, and protection as we seek a more just world and guidance for the way ahead.

Yours faithfully,

Nicola Sturgeon

First Minister of Scotland.

PS. I hope you will forgive me asking, but I wonder if you could send me a list of church leaders who actually believe in God.  I’m not religious myself but even I can see that an unbelieving bishop/minister is as useless as a chocolate teapot!

Its Time for Nicola Sturgeon to Call A National Day of Prayer



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