Bible Evangelism the Church

Coffee and Colossians 10 – The Growing Local Church

Colossians 1:6 – Do we expect the Gospel to grow in our local church? Why do we always hear of growth elsewhere? How do we get growth?

Coffee and Colossians 9 – The Growing Gospel



  1. Thanks! Fear of looking foolish, and/or seeing no immediate results, stops people sharing the gospel. It’s akin to a rugby team ceasing to try and get over ‘the gain line.’ Or worse still, where someone is really inquiring and interested, do many believers spurn the opportunity to freely offer a description of the prize? The crowd at a rugby test match would stare in disbelief, if a winger with a one on one chance to score made no attempt to get round their opposite number.

  2. Please could you recommend a book that deals with fearing God – it’s something I think I really need to get more firmly embedded in my life.

    1. JOhn Bunyan – the Fear of God. JI Packer – Knowing God. The latter because the fear of God is awe in his presence – and for that you need to know who he is!

    2. You may like to check- out Michael Reeves: Rejoice and Tremble – the Surprising Good News of the Fear of the Lord.
      Personally, recently, None Greater – the Undomesticated Attributes of God, by Matthew Barrett, in considering the immensity of God has moved me from doctrine to doxology.
      Earlier publications from Banner of Truth of John Owen’s writings have similarly impressed:
      1 Communion with God
      2 The Glory of Christ.

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