Bible Preaching St Peters Worship

The Realm of the Spirit (Romans 8:9-13); Sinclair on Wisdom (Proverbs 1:1-7), What a Friend we Have in Jesus. Songs and Sermons from St Peters.

Last Sunday morning we looked at Romans 8:9-13  The Realm of the Spirit. 

It is a wonderful passage but I learned a lesson from a mistake I made.  Normally I operate on Luther’s advice to preach as ‘though a 14 year old serving girl’ were present.  My version of that is a 17 year old Dundee man who has never been in church before.  This Sunday I forgot and lo and behold, a young Dundee man who had never been in church – he spoke to me afterwards and indicated that he just did not understand.  It was good to chat and it was good to be rebuked!

The whole service did not record, so here is the sermon alone.

In the evening Sinclair continued his wonderful series on Proverbs…this is gold dust for all of us, but especially our young people.

Songs: My Jesus; What a Friend; Ps 119:9-16; Be Thou My Vision.

Reading:  2 Kings 17:24-40

Sermon: Proverbs 1:1-7 – “Wisdom – How do I get it and where do I begin?”

One of our favourite hymns to sing is ‘What a Friend We Have in Jesus” – this is a somewhat Country and Western version of it from one of our services…love it!

This is the prayer we used at the end of the morning service.

Christ was all anguish that I might be all joy,

Cast off that I might be brought in,

Trodden down as an enemy

That I might be welcomed as a friend,

Surrendered to hell’s worst

That I might attain heavens best,

Stripped that I might be clothed,

Wounded that I might be healed,

Thirsty that I might drink,

Tormented that I might be comforted,

Made a shame that I might inherit glory,

Entered darkness that I might have eternal light.

My saviour wept that all tears might be wiped from my eyes,

groaned that I might have endless song,

endured all pain that I might have unfading health,

bore a thorny crown that I might have a glory diadem,

bowed his head that I might uplift mine,

Experienced reproach that I might receive welcome,

closed his eyes in death that I might gaze on unclouded brightness,

expired that I might forever live.

O father, who spared not your only son that you might spare me,

all this transfer your love designed and accomplished;

help me to adore you by lips and life.

O that my every breath might be ecstatic praise,

my every step buoyant with delight as I see my enemies crushed,

Satan baffled, defeated, destroyed,

sin buried in the ocean of reconciling blood,

Hell’s Gates closed, Heaven’s portal open.

Go forth, all conquering God, and show me the cross, mighty to subdue, comfort and save.

The Teenage and Young Man Jesus, The Repentant Prophet, Chrysostom on Wealth and Ps 130

On the drive to Geanies House – the home of Christian Focus Publications




  1. Presently, I’m not hearing the Word preached regularly. It is convicting, necessary and wonderful. From across the pond, I thank you and praise the work of the Holy Spirit in you.

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