Books Evangelism Jesus Christ Radio

Your own Personal Jesus – Magnificent Obsession on Premier

Premier Christian Radio is broadcasting a series of ‘Thought for the Day’ each morning this week and next week.  They asked me if I would speak about something that made me passionate…so of course I chose Jesus – and Magnificent Obsession.  Each of the ten talks is based on one of the chapters in the book.

41Ui+9ZycNL._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_Over the next few weeks I will post up each of these short talks (about 2 min) – feel free to use them as MO was intended to be used – to point non-Christians to Jesus and encourage Christians to share him more.  It doesn’t matter whether it is Magnificent Obsession or not…I think it is important for Christians to have a ‘go to’ book that they can give to people in order to share who Jesus is.  That is after all what evangelism is – telling people about Christ.

In that regard it was good to see this message from William Mackenzie –

Magnificent Obsession by David Robertson.
Given a platform commendation tonight at Keswick
“A superb book to give to an interested friend”

Here is the first Thought for the Day….Your own Personal Jesus?

‘Let me at the truth that will refresh my broken mind’ comes from this wonderful song.


Interview with Janet Parshall on Hitchens, Magnificent Obsession and American Atheism

(You can get Magnificent Obsession from Christian Focus Publications Amazon or any good bookshop!


  1. Oh good – I just happened to get a copy of MagOb, plus the Why I am Not an Atheist one. I will try to track your ‘casts reading the book.. thx.

  2. Magnificent Obsession was good! I left mine with a believer in Malawi so it is doing the rounds! No worries, my wife has a copy as well.

  3. Good to hear of the MO book being plugged from the Keswick platform yesterday. Hopefully much interest will have been stimulated.

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