Glen Scrivener and the Middle Way re that Sermon

Because I have received so many messages from Christians who are thankful for the time and detail I have been putting in these posts I am going to continue.  Sadly far too many Christians are struggling because their pastors, who are meant to be their undershepherds, are not protecting them from the wolves who seek to ravage the flock.  (others have those who are doing what they can to protect the flock by showing them the errors that destroy).  I realise that for many people even writing this is outrageous.  My only plea is ‘what if it is true?  And I also have to ask if I have got this completely wrong and am in fact being used to attack the Lord’s work.  The only way to find out is to continue to examine what we are being told in the light of God’s word.

The responses to the sermon that everyone is talking about keep coming. On the one hand there are evangelicals who are largely enthusiastic – for example this one from Wesley Hill –   Our friend Cranmer continues his increasingly bizarre and frantic posts, this time comparing Curry’s sermon to Paul’s in Athens (the fact that Paul challenged the idolatry, worldview and inadequate understanding of the Athenians would suggest at least one difference!).

Then there are those who continue to see it as heresy and dangerous – like this excellent post on Patheos from Will Bassett. 

Some of the most critical messages I have received concern my statement that this sermon has exposed a fault line in evangelicalism. I think the three articles above indicate that my analysis is not without merit! One evangelical leader wrote me;

You are so right that the various reactions of Christians are evidence of a deeper division that has existed for some time and left unchecked will drag us away from the truth into some kind of sentimentalism masquerading as love (to use someone else’s words from many, many years ago).”

But there are a significant group who take the middle road.   On the one hand they think that the sermon lacked some things and that because of his actions and status, Bishop Curry should not have given the sermon. On the other, they think that the sermon whilst lacking a great deal was nonetheless good and has provided plenty of opportunity and so should be welcomed. The great advantage of this middle way is that it seems so nice and balanced and loving and Christian. On the one hand it avoids the charge of supporting false teaching, on the other it avoids the charge of nasty, Pharisiaical intolerance. It’s a nice kind of love.  The middle of the road is a comfortable place to be…(until a truck comes along!).

The best example of this middle road that I have come across is Glen Scrivener and this wee video.  It’s superb.  As with all Glen’s work it is humorous, well made and contains much that we can agree with.

But…and this is difficult for me because I love Glen and his work and feel pained that I have to disagree with him on some major things that he says in the video – I hope he will take it in the spirit in which it is meant. Here are some of the things that Glen says.

But I will end on a note of agreement. Yes we need more fervent and passionate preaching with conviction. As long as it is fervent, passionate and conviction about the person of Christ. We preach Christ crucified, not Jesus of Nazareth who was a really lovely guy who did a really lovely thing so that we too could be really lovely people.

“What these last few days since the wedding have shown is that the evangelical church in the West is sinking under the water of the world and many of us are enjoying to paddle in it. When what we really need as the Church of God in this present moment is to cast ourselves on Christ and call on him to calm the storm. May he hear and answer this prayer.” Will Bassett.

Ravi praises, Curry explains and Cranmer Spins…

Bishop Michael Curry’s Sermon – A Distorted Gospel Divides the Church

I have also just been sent this excellent article from Stephen Kneale-






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