Australia Bible Books Ethics History Liberalism Media Sex and sexuality

Ozzie Observations – Week 5 – Liberal Indoctrination; The Drum; Israel Folau; The Bible in Australia; ANZAC; Moore College; The Bookery; Aussie Humour

We are continuing to love being in Australia – and learning so much in so many ways….In some ways it is very similar to the UK, in other ways it is quite unique.

Liberal Progressive Indoctrination.

Liberal Progressives are attempting their indoctrination here. For example this week I was told of a Sydney secondary school which made boys go to the gym and walk round holding hands in order to help them understand what it was like to be homosexual. In another pupils were stand in rows to indicate whether they were gay or straight! I do hope that the school was up to date and offered the 71 genders that Facebook suggest!

Screen Shot 2018-04-23 at 09.22.23The mainstream media is much the same. I watched The Drum, a panel show on ABC in which four panelists and a presenter gave just one point of view on gay conversion therapy and counseling for trans people. Apparently it would have been too ridiculous/harmful to allow any other point of view.  Do we want a political party where everyone thinks the same?  Said the liberal spokesperson – whilst appearing on a panel show agreeing that in reality they do. They mocked and caricatured the idea that children who have a psychological condition like Gender Identity Disorder need psychological counseling.   We were told it is not even modern thinking. It’s equivalent to ‘lets boil them in oil and chop of their heads’.    The Sydney Morning Herald correspondent was radical enough to suggest that whilst they were obviously wacky we should let them ‘have the debate’. But others brought out the new liberal illiberalism by playing the hurt card along with the ‘we are the experts and we know best’ card. “There’s freedom of speech and there’s freedom for a child…to grow up without fear…we need to think about LGBTIQ kids…what about the rights of the child?  When it comes to LGBTIQ kids what a parent wants is not always best!”. All of this was said without a hint of challenge…or evidence of any reasoned thought. Indeed there was no evidence at all. It was must emotive virtue signaling.

They then went on to discuss the suicide pod –something to be created by a 3D printer at home – a perverse and sick idea to make it easier for people to kill themselves. Of course all the panelists were in favour of euthanasia – the farmers rep for example came out with the profound view – we euthanise someone’s pet dog so why not euthanize humans? (Because no-one made the obvious point, let me just simply say that we also put down dogs when they are too old, commit crimes or cost too much…is the comparison still valid?).   The SMH guy was a bit more skeptical; there have to be ‘checks and balances’ (although of course no one says what these could possibly be? Check your printer is working?). All the panelists were in favour of euthanasia because ultimately it is about choice.

Meanwhile the indoctrination through soap opera continues. In a fascinating episode of the American show Law and Order we were given the politically correct view of a transgender man in the US army. The fact that he was involved in the rape and brutal beating a prostitute was not nearly as important as the fact that he must be seen as the real victim.   I found it fascinating that the moral outrage here was not at the poor woman being beaten and abused, but rather at the possibility that his trans status might cause harm. I suspect our TERFS (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) might not have been too pleased at the contrast between the real woman and the fake.

But it doesn’t always work

Israel Folau has won his battle with the Australia Rugby establishment and the media. In this brilliant blog post he stood up for his faith and he won.

“This is not about money or bargaining power or contracts. It’s about what I believe in and never compromising that, because my faith is far more important to me than my career and always will be.”

FOLAU_PV3_1280x560-1Read the whole article – you will not regret it. Rugby Australia backed down – causing much weeping and gnashing of teeth in the liberal media and the social media hate mobs.   Well done brother…you have given a fine example of how to handle situations like this.

The Bible in Australia

 I have finished Meredith Lake’s fantastic book and will write a review latter….but meanwhile here are some fascinating and revealing quotes from the book.

Many socialists used to be inspired by the Bible – before the left wing was taken over by progressive ‘liberals’.

“The gospels were assumed knowledge for Australian socialists in the 1890s. In fact, in this period, the ideals of organised labour were deeply infused with a dynamic vision of Christ. ‘Honest Jim’ McGowen, a boilermaker, was an experienced unionist first elected to the NSW Parliament in 1891. For decades, he attended the evangelical Anglican church of St Paul’s, Redfern, whose socially aware minister, FB Boyce, promoted temperance reform, the introduction of age pensions, and the care of the poor. McGowen served as a lay preacher, church warden and parish councillor. He superintended the Sunday School for thirty-five years, even while Premier, openly revering the Jesus of the gospels in the various facets of his life. In numerous speeches, McGowen declared that the Nazarene Carpenter was his role model, and that Jesus’ teachings were the foundation of his view that government could and should make society more humane.”

Germaine Greer agrees that without God there are no rules.

“At any rate Greer abandoned her earnest teenage faith in the year after she left school: One of the sources of conflict that was distressing me during my first year of university was the collapse of my Catholic faith and my unwilling arrival at the conclusion that there was no God. Once that had been decided, there were no rules about anything else, either. I found myself thinking very hard about virginity and the morality of all that petting in parked cars.”

The Bible was and still is an enormous influence on Australian life.

“It is not surprising, then, that in 1960 nine out of ten Australians had a Bible in their homes – rivalled only by a cookery book and a dictionary (owned by 91 and 89 per cent of people, respectively). It far outdid atlases, encyclopedias and works by Shakespeare (owned by 42 per cent of people), and every other kind of book.

“Half a century after Menzies, about 8 per cent of Australians can be found in church on any given Sunday. This means participating in church remains a relatively significant occupation. For instance, twice as many Australians go to a service at least monthly as attend all AFL, NRL, A League and Super Rugby games combined per month during the football season.”

Immigration is a real blessing to the church

“By the 1990s, people born in non-English-speaking countries were much more likely to attend church frequently than those born here (31 compared to 19 per cent).20 In the early 2010s, twice as many recent immigrants attended religious services at least once a month as did Australians born of Australian parents.

“By the early 1990s, there were fifty-two Korean churches just in Sydney, and over 75 per cent of Koreans living in Australia claimed to be Christian, compared with about 20 per cent in Korea itself.19 Chinese immigrants formed distinct congregations within many Christian denominations. All together, new migrant churches added both vibrancy and strength to Christianity in Australia, bucking the trend of declining church affiliation that characterised the older British denominations.”

Real pluralism requires freedom to listen to the Bible.

“To restrict or exclude religious voices, or to treat religious texts as illegitimate reference points in public conversation, runs counter to the ideal of a plural but inclusive polity and society. This does not mean that the Bible, or perspectives informed by it, is entitled to any particular privilege. Nor should it be immune from rigorous public critique. But a confident, robust pluralism requires tolerance of religious voices, including Christian ones in all their diversity. It requires a willingness to hear and even engage with arguments nourished by Scripture.”

Some other lessons:

Simon blows his own bugle!

 ANZAC is big here. (This is similar to our Remembrance Sunday where the fallen in war are remembered) This will occur on Wednesday, but was reflected in church services all over Australia last Sunday. I found it all very moving. And encouraging that whereas a few years ago it seemed to be dying out, now it has become more significant than ever.

At St Thomas’s Simon Manchester preached the best sermon I have ever heard on Song of Solomon – and he did so as part of the ANZAC service.  It was a masterpiece of how to preach Scripture faithfully and contextually to the culture.  As part of that service a bugle which had belonged to his grandfather in the First World War played The Last Post.  It was deeply moving.

Moore College has been phenomenally influential in ensuring that the slide into Moore Collegeregressive liberalism has been a lot slower here. I have been greatly blessed in that they have made me a visiting scholar – which means I get to use their wonderful facilities.  I am also really impressed with the staff.  (Sorry to be so uncharacteristically positive – it must be the sunshine – I will return to my normal Scottish self soon!)

There are some great Aussie books – as I have been discovering in the wonderfully quirky Bookery in Lane Cove, owned by two lovely ladies – Beatle and Karen. So much better having a book store staffed by people who know what they are talking about, rather than a chain where it is just a sales assistant selling a product.

The Bookery

The Three Service Model seems to be ubiquitous. I’m still not convinced this is a good idea – but am open to persuasion!

Anglican Church Noticeboard

Aussie Humour works for me. Love the fact that in some bookstores. Steve Smiths book has been moved from the sport to the crime section!

Finally a couple of questions:
What is a tree fail?

Tree Failure

Does anyone understand the Sydney transport system pricing?   It’s a wonderful system but some times my bus journey costs me $4, a couple of times it has been $0?   Any ideas how it works?

See you next week….

Ozzie Observations – Week 4 – The Bible in Australia, China and Vanuatu,Parramatta Cathedral, the Church and Israel Folau











  1. the major Christian denominations; all Christian denominations combined decreased from 63.9% to 52.1%.[1]

    Also …

    Australia is one of the least religious nations in the developed world, with religion not described as a central part in many people’s lives.[106] This view is prominent among Australia’s youth, who were ranked as the least religious worldwide in a 2008 survey conducted by The Christian Science Monitor.[107] In the 2016 census, the ABS categorised 7,040,700 Australians (30.1%) as having “No Religion”, up from 4,796,800 (22.3%) in 2011.[1] This category includes agnosticism, atheism, Humanism, rationalism, “No Religion, nfd” (nfd=no further definition) and people who are unaffiliated with any particular religion

    Wiki ….
    Slowly but surely , it looks like it’s going one way, David.

  2. Now and then I wish you would link to an actual source for these anecdotal proofs of the horror of liberal/secular indoctrination that you post about on here… may also pay to explain exactly why teaching children about the variety of people and life styles they are going to encounter in the world is indoctrination but trying to get children to follow the god portrayed in a bronze age book isn’t.

    (I should say that your comment “Check your printer is working” made me laugh out loud. Now and then you do demonstrate a good sense of humour).

    My younger brother is homosexual. He did have a partner for a while but is now single. My wife and I have gone out of our way to tell our two young sons that a man loving and living with another man is perfectly fine.

    The idea that I should, instead, teach them that my brother is a sinner and will be going to a place called hell is abhorrent to me.

    1. John, the ‘Check your printer is working’ might ‘demonstrate a good sense of humour’ but might not really tell us anything about the discussion. It would be more interesting to know if the prograamme’s panel agreed with David’s view of the suicide pod or not (‘perverse and sick’).

    2. John,
      In telling your young sons that a man loving and living with another man is perfectly fine, do you ever explain to them how two men loving each other ‘make love’? If not, why not?
      And do you ever discuss with your young sons what an ‘open relationship’ means to two men in this situation? And how common such ‘open relationships’ are? And why 75% of new cases of HIV are diagnosed of people who have ‘sex’ with people of their own sex? (That figure, by the way, is not anecdotal. It comes from a poster in my doctors’ surgery.)
      I mean, if we are going to discuss these things with young people is it not fair to acquaint them with these kinds of facts?
      As to your brother being a sinner he is no different than everybody else; we are all sinners. As to whether or not he is going to go to Hell, that’s for God to decide. It’s pretty irrevant whether or not you find it abhorent. That won’t count for anything on the day of his judgement. Whether or not we find something abhorent makes not the slightest difference to whether or not it is true. I can’t say that the attempt by the Nazis to exterminate the Jews could not have happened just because I find it abhorent.

      1. Mike –

        Why not indeed. What a silly reply.

        Perhaps those are the sorts of conversations you have with children. Pity the children you speak to.

        My sons are 10 and 7.

        If you choose to live your life under the label of sinner that’s entirely your choice my friend. Full steam ahead.

        Is it living under the hammer of religious belief that allows you to post oblique threats of hell to me?

        My finding it abhorrent is entirely the point. To me. Your beliefs in bronze age myths don’t mean anything to me. I find them abhorrent and will not be guided by them.

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