The Record

The April Record

The April Record is now available in congregations and online.   You can access it online  here –    All this for only £1.50…

This is the intro and contents list.

Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 05.33.55WELCOME TO THE APRIL RECORD

As expected, last month’s edition got a reaction — not so much for the cover, which was designed to make people think, but rather because of the editorial ‘What would Jesus do about Transgender?’  We are delighted that not only The Times, but also the Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, Rev. Mark Strange, are readers of The Record. Mr Strange was not happy and issued a statement that, amongst other things, declared, ‘I believe we are all the children of God, equally loved and cherished for who we are.’ This is a statement that is indicative of why so much of the church in Scotland is in decline. Why?
Because it is a banal, meaningless truism. It is also dishonest in that, because it is meant to be an argument against what was being said about teaching Queer Theory; it gives the impression that I was saying the exact opposite. No one denies that in one sense we are all children of God — because all human beings are created in God’s image. However, in another sense none of us are — which is why John in his Gospel tells us that Jesus came to give us the ‘right to become children of God’. That’s the Good News. That’s why we need to proclaim and live it. Sadly, meaningless truisms that only reflect and echo the culture of the times are not what people need to hear. The church is different from the world. Or at least should be.

It is because we believe so passionately in the love of God and because we love our fellow human beings that we dare to proclaim the full gospel of Jesus Christ, including when it challenges as well as comforts.

So in this months edition we have news, views, poetry, Bible, mission, challenge, testimony and cultural comment from a Christian perspective. I hope it will be enjoyable, stimulating, challenging and encouraging to you. And I hope that if Mr Strange and others are reading it, they will find it useful and helpful…and maybe next time before they issue judgemental press releases, they could give us a call and let us know. That would after all be the loving thing to do.•
Yours in Christ David

The March Record – Cover, Contents and Controversy…

Thrown to the Wolves – What happens when you dare to question the Trans agenda.

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