Dundee Education Ethics Letters Newspaper Letters Politics Sex and sexuality

Insanity of the Gender Fluidity Debate – Letter in the Courier

The Trans hysteria continues.  Already this week a teacher in England has been disciplined for ‘misgendering’ a pupil (even Peter Tatchell tweeted that this was over the top!)  and a whole Labour party committee have resigned because one of their number, a Lesbian,  was being bullied for being a TERF  (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist).   A sociology lecturer at Abertay University has warned about the consequences of the Scottish Governments proposals to allow 16 year olds to self-identify as they please.  Dundee City Council’s Equalities Officer immediately went to the press and attacked him – see the article below.   My response was published in The Courier today.

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I am grateful that The Courier published this letter.  A day will come when they will not be permitted to do so – if Councillor Murray gets his way.   Already yesterday he began a Twitter storm of abuse against me – accusing me of being a Transphobic bully etc.  He also claimed that ‘science’ supported his view and yet when asked to do so, could not refer to one science paper which does.   Mr Murray is all too typical of the Trans activists who seek to bully people into silence – either by mockery or just sheer volume of words.  The difference is that he has a degree of political power and he seeks to use it to intimidate others and prevent any alternative points of view.  As I said to him – I won’t be bullied into silence.  Because this is far too important for our children and our society.  The divorce of gender from biology and the denial of gender all together (either through have many genders or teaching the ideology of gender fluidity) is causing and is going to cause our children a great deal of harm.  No matter how many bribes Stonewall and the Scottish Government offer its time for parent and teachers to stand up to this.    Good for Dr Waiton for putting his head above the parapet.   Its time for others to do the same.


  1. Gregor Murray should start with Gregor Mendel to see where that leads, to see if he’s on the right side of human history, or whether he’s veered into the wilderness of agitated sterility.

  2. I knew before Googling Gregor Murray that he would be an SNP politician. His conduct on Twitter and elsewhere seems thoroughly befitting of that party.

    The problem with people like Murray and others is that they don’t think. They seek to get through the next Twitterstorm, the next day’s papers, the next headline. They approve of anything that gets them through today and yet ask us to support them as they seek to change society forever. They’re not serious people but the consequences of their actions are serious.

  3. Some great news. Received today, this from the Christian Institute : Ofsted will not be sent into churches – the Gvnmt appears to have shelved the plans along with extremism disruption orders and the proposed “equality oath “.

  4. The author seems a wee idiot. As does Dr. Waiton. Is he an M D. or a Ph.D, and in what specialty or field?

    This seems more like transphobia than “trans Hysteria,” whatever the hell That is.

    1. Deanna – can I suggest that you don’t comment calling people ‘idiots’ and then admit your ignorance. Dr Waiton is a senior sociologist and criminologist lecturer at the University of Abertay, Dundee. Transhysteria is what is happening to JK rowling just now…

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