
NewsBrief | 25th April 2016

This week’s Solas NewsBrief is out now for sharing offline.


Click on the picture to open  up the PDF version on the Solas Website.

NB 2016-04-25



  1. There was an interesting take on Prince’s death by Rod Liddle in yesterday’s Sunday Times, particularly his last sentence.

    In his less than “safe” style he also commented on Brighton and Hove Council’s decision to give 4 year olds a choice of which gender they’d like to have.

    In the same paper it was reported that the NUS had obtained legal opinion on “no platforming” speakers which concluded that it could be illegal in universities. The NUS was unlikey to change it’s stance, but some University Student’s Unions were considering coming out of the NUS.

  2. I read the small blurb on the side about the Queen’s birthday and you quite rightly do her credit. Despite her grace and commitment to her faith in public life, I do not understand the reason for the continuation of the monarchy, as an American. Certainly as a Christian, I do recognize that political powers are ordained by God, whether we like or dislike them. But also from a Christian perspective, how is the monarchy to be defended? Should it be defended? Why is SHE “the Queen?” Also, in an ever increasing secular Britain, how is it to be accepted and defended?

    She is certainly a remarkable person and these questions are certainly not aimed at her character, but more the system that sustains her title. Nor is this a defense of the all perfect American democracy. Maybe, this could be an entire post in itself? I would love to read your opinions on this. I am grateful for her witness throughout the decades, especially with the platform she holds–I hope the future monarchs, however long it lasts, will follow her example.

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