The Most Hateful Man I’ve Ever Come Across!

If you want to know how our new ‘tolerant, loving, liberal’ society works then let me share with you a most extraordinary 12 hours of what has amounted to intimidation, bullying and sheer vitriolic hatred.  Last night there was a twitter and FB storm against yours truly – because of our latest Quantum of Solas Podcast – especially the comments about the Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner media storm.

Here are just a few samples….

“In the real world, who cares what these fascists (Solas and the Free P’s) say about anything?”

“Hate speech”

“DAR is the most hateful man I’ve ever come across.”

“Celebrity who craved pair of tits slagged off by pair of tits who crave celebrity. ” (this incidentally was the most ‘liked’ post on SS – showing the level of maturity!)

“SOLAS is nothing but a mouthy right wing pressure group with virtually nothing to do with

Jesus or Christianity.” (the notion that Gordon Wilson or yours truly are ‘right wing’ is hilarious for those who know us….there are other members of Solas who could be called that…but we are a non party political organisation and welcome people from all political backgrounds).

“Corruption ? Is DAR paying royalties for the music in his podcast?”

I put this last one in because it indicates how the new thought police try to intimidate, harass and bully.   Firstly they call you all kind of names, then they threaten you.  In this particular instance with reporting us for copyright theft.  Sadly for the individual concerned we do have a licence for playing these snippets of music.   But the threats continued.   We will report you to the press/police for hate speech.  It is really wearing.

And its not just the internet trolls or the militant secularists from Secular Scotland.  Now an SNP councillor from my own city also decided to join in the fun and stick the boot in.  Amongst other tweets Councillor Gregor Fisher Murray declared “You’re acting like children. The Wee Frees and their ilk are an embarrassment to Scotland.”   Councillor Murray of course does not care about the abusive and ‘hate speech’ term ‘wee Frees’.  Indeed Councillor Murray seems not to care for anything that goes against any of his pet subjects.  He also tweeted “The Courier is an utter embarrassment to journalism. They simply do not care for accuracy in the slightest.”   And he has been blocked by the Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie.  He is quite happy to mock Christians in general and  Catholics in particular-    “If your Catholicism is causing you to question your vote, remember, Jesus had 2 Dads and a surrogate mother. “   Sadly Councillor Murray is an example of a worrying trend in Scottish politics, the Cybernat who just knows that he is right in everything and everyone who dares to disagree with their point of view is automatically to be classed as an idiot, shouted at and bullied.  The irony is that I am an SNP supporter.   Is this really what the new politics is?  A councillor who behaves like an adolescent teenager with a keyboard and abuses and mocks his constituents?  I wonder if the SNP will actually exercise any discipline and rein this kind of behaviour in?

But lets return to the issue.  Was I using ‘hate speech’?  I stated that the whole episode is gut wrenching and nauseating.   And I stand by that.   It should be obvious from the context that I was not talking about every single transgender person, nor even Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner as an individual.  I stated that the whole issue is complex and not to be trivialised and that is precisely what the whole celebrity, Vanity Fair thing does.  I also pointed out that it made me feel ill when people say that Jenner was being brave.  And I stand by that….a soldier who loses a limb rescuing a colleague is brave, a celebrity who announces a sex change on the cover of Vanity fair, and whose own mother even doubted that he was doing it for anything other than money, is not brave.  It may of course have been entirely co-incidental but a month before the 65 year old man decided he wanted to be a woman, he stated filming for a new reality TV show.

Have a look at this Forbes article.

My concern is that this whole issue is being trivialised and that the same emotional and irrational bullying that accompanied the SSM debate, is now happening with the transgender debate.  For the likes of the Councillor Murray and the unthinking automatons of SS, there is of course no debate.  But for me there is.  And not just because of ‘religious issues’.  I think of the mother who finds out that her teenage son has been told at school that he is probably unhappy because he is a woman trapped in the wrong body (by a teacher desperate to show that she is ‘right on’ when it comes to transgender).   I think of the teenager who commits suicide because they have not received adequate support or help because of their conflicting feelings about identity.   Or the older woman who used to be a man and is not desperately unhappy but doesn’t know whether to change back or not.

Caitlyn Jenner is a product of a shallow and superficial culture and ‘her’ celebrity status can and will be used for great harm.   I also think that is a collective insanity coming over the nation – do the metro-elites really think they can present with a straight face someone who won gold at the 1976 Olympics as a man and now say they are to be remembered as a woman.   Meanwhile in Scotland LBBTQQAS groups are calling on the Scottish Government to introduce a third gender for those who feel they cannot identify with the male or female sex.  One wonders why limit it to three?  Why not have several more then we can change our gender as often as we change our clothes!

And of course it won’t end there.  If my feeling that I am a different gender to the one I was actually born with is accepted, then what if I feel that I am a different race?  What if I am a black man trapped in a white body?  How dare you deny me my feelings?  I demand surgery on the NHS, a new birth certificate and that you re-write history for me!   Far fetched?….read this…

And forget transgender…that will soon be ‘so last year’.  What about transabled?  What if I only want to have one leg..?  Why should that not be allowed?  Its my body and my choice!

As it happens I was sent an extraordinary document which shows the kind of thing Scottish Universities are now teaching future teachers.   Apparently homophobia is “an inevitable consequence of hetrocentrism: the expression of fixed understandings of gender”.  In order to combat this we need to get rid of the ‘hetrocentrist’ nature of Scottish schools.  In other words Peters Tatchells great dream, of a non-gender specific, not sexuality specific, society will soon come to pass.  I wonder if they have any idea of the incredible harmful consequences that this will have for the whole of society?  It will lead to the dehumanising of humanity, and the sexual exploitation of the poor, young and vulnerable by the rich, powerful and perverted.

I don’t hate Bruce Jenner or his new expression, Caitlyn.  He is not a freak, he is a human being made in the image of God. I hope and pray that he will get out of this celebrity, commercialised and confused culture he seems to have bought into.  On a more general level I hope and pray that the apex of Gods creation, humankind which was made male and female in his image, will stop playing God and trying to re-invent humanity.  Meanwhile I won’t keep quiet.  I won’t be bullied by thought police from the militant secularists, or immature ‘New SNP’ local councillors who need to learn some degree of tolerance, respect and rationality, before they start making decisions on behalf of the rest of us.  And instead of being the most ‘hate filled man’ they have ever met, I will pray that God will fill me with his love so that I may speak the truth in love and not the anger, fear and bitterness that I sometimes feel.  For it is not just Bruce Jenner who is a weak and confused person….so am I, so are we all.  Lord Jesus have mercy…..

PS.  I will just add this a couple of days later..from one of the leaders of the Scottish Secular Society – Garry Otton  “You are probably one of the most hated men in Scotland, DAR”…to which the only response is “if they have hated me, they will hate you also”.

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