Secular Stalinist Scotland? Letter in Hebrides News

This is a letter published on Hebrides News – in answer to the plethora of letters coming from Secular Scotland supporters – who have obviously decided to take on Christianity in the area where it is perceived to be strongest in Scotland.

Alistair McBay of the National Secular Society (NSS) wants to claim that communism is a religion because it replaces an omnipotent God with an omnipotent state. This is an excellent description of what the NSS are seeking to do. They want a secular state which determines what our morality is, how we can behave, what marriage is etc.
His citation of Montifiore’s Young Stalin is interesting. He conveniently left out that Montiefiore records a teenage Stalin excitedly proclaiming to his friends, after reading Darwin’s Origin of the Species, “there is no God, they lied to us.”
From that time on he was an atheist and because of his lack of belief in God, thought there was no eternity, no judgement day and that he could therefore do what he wanted.
Ironically, Mr McBay has pointed us to what happens when a society rejects God and replaces him with the secular state and a social Darwinist view of humanity.
David Robertson
Solas CPC
St Peters Free Church
4 St Peter St

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